I want to write a book about bathroom etiquette. I'll call it Bathroom Ethics.
- If you meet people in the bathroom you know (at work), just say hi. Don't start up conversations with them. Especially, if you know they are going to be lengthier then hi/hello/how are you?.
- Don't brush your teeth in a public bathroom. So beyond gross, for the person that passes by. Make sure if you brush your teeth in the public, that no one is going to walk in.
- If person is in Stall # 1, do not go to the stall next to it. Keep a distance of one stall (at the least)
- Don't talk to a person in another stall while you're doing your business.
- If you hear some sounds coming from another stall..be courteous..finish up before them and get out of there...so they won't be embarrassed. (I have to do this a lot. LOL)
- If you are travelling and use public bathrooms at fast food restaurants...you don't have to eat there..its nice to get one or two items..but its not necessary.