Draupadi was a very picky lady..Can you blame the gal..she just wanted the best. If a soul like her is that demanding, than leaves little hope for us.
Draupadi is the wife of the Pandavas. She had in a previous lifetime prayed to Lord Shiva to grant her a husband with five desired qualities (Strong, Intelligent, Sharp witted, Handsome and a great archer). Lord Shiva, pleased with her devotion, tells her that it is very difficult to get a husband with all five qualities that she desired. But she sticks to her ground and asks for the same. Then Lord Shiva grants her wish saying that she would get the same in her next birth. She got them all right(be careful what you wish for). She got each of the five qualities she wanted, but one quality was present in one of the five husbands. She got five husbands.
It's crazy that "handsome" was part of her requirements in a good husband. If it's in the Mahabharat..you know all girls think like that and are somewhat shallow.
Could you imagine -- five husbands -- I could. Bet she was satisfied in more ways than one.. I of course mean, 5 salaries from the 5 husbands...