Friday, January 09, 2009

Deskercise - Burn Extra Calories at Work

I sit at the computer all day at work. It’s not exactly good for the body. So I put together a list of different stretches and exercises that can improve your posture and burn some calories at the same time. Before doing these exercises, make sure your chair is stable.

You should also consider using an exercise/stability ball type chair – you’ll be engaging your core as you sit up straight, and it will help you to burn calories by just sitting still – which is called “active sitting”. Not a guaranteed way to lose weight all by itself, since it doesn’t burn that many calories, but it is yet another way that lifestyle changes can help you increase the chances for success.

Try to get up every 30 – 40 minutes and step away from the desk and take a walk to other offices or cafeteria/kitchen area.

Sitting up straight and practicing good posture will increase your calorie burning rather than leaning back against the chair or slouching.

  • Sitting straight in the chair, stretch both arms over your head and reach for the sky. After 10 seconds, extend the right hand higher, then the left.

  • Sitting straight at the edge of the chair, lift one leg off the seat, extend it out straight, hold for few seconds; then lower your foot (stop short of the floor) and hold for several seconds. Switch; do each leg 15 times.

  • While sitting, lift up your legs on your toes and set them down. Repeat these until your legs are comfortably tired. Then repeat it again about 10 minutes later. Do this whole routine for about an hour or so. This will exercise your calves. For more of a burn, place your some weight on your knees (i.e. books, notebook, laptop).

  • Lean forward as though you're going to get out of your seat. When your rear end is barely off the seat, hold that position. See how long you can hold it, using only your arms for balance.

  • Strengthen your inner thighs. Place a hand glove, water bottle or small object between your feet. Try to lift the item off the ground and squeeze your legs together at the same time. You can also place the blanket, pillow or other soft object between your knees and squeeze.

    “Doin’ the Butt”
  • Butt clenches are also helpful in preventing the booty spread. Tighten your buttocks, hold, hold, hold, and then relax. Repeat 15 times.

    Abs – Suck it in
  • Suck in your gut. Tighten your tummy muscles and hold for as long as possible and release. It is important to inhale as much as air as possible and exhale till your belly is big. Exhaling works the Abs as well as inhaling. Repeat throughout the day.

    Arms/Legs Aerobics
  • While seated, pump both arms over your head for 30 seconds, and then rapidly tap your feet on the floor, football-drill style, for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

    Plan a routine for the day, which hour you plan to do which exercise. Remember to drink water throughout the day and get up off that chair every so often.
  • 1 comment:

    Sheel Shah said...

    Crunchless Abs: