Friday, February 02, 2007

Best Quotes of my Life

Update: "Some guys are confused with the entry and exit signs" - CJ Sheth and his comments on homosexuality.

I'm in class when a female classmate is about to chew sugar-free gum, when another male classmates tells her how Saccharin is known to cause cancer in laboratory animals. To this, the female classmate retorts, "Well, they shouldn't be testing on animals anyways."

On the discovery that Jains make up less than 2% of Indians, one of my friends states to our Jain friend, "There are more ants in India than Jains."

My cousin, Priyanki, on how much a girl's looks has changed, "Her hair used to be curly as pubic hair." There are no words to speak as to how stupidly funny this has to be.

One of my friends, Vishal, explains why another friend, who is married, is doing Gauri Vrat, which is done by unmarried woman to get a good husband, "for the next one." (second husband)

Commenting on Friendster turning off the ability of people to know when you have viewed their profile, Vishal explains why he left his on, "I want people to know I'm viewing them."

During our 'Tabboo' tournament, the 'hidden' word was "Allowance" and the clue given was. "What American kids got that we (Indian or Desis if you will) didn't get?" To this Vivek shouts, "Disease!" What was he thinking??!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't BELIEVE that u remember that Sheel LOL!!! That definitely is hilarious, n I'm pretty sure I remember who we were talking about as well!!!1