Thursday, January 04, 2007

Episode 1.1 - The One with the Old Man at Panera and Arranged Marriages

Episodes: Those moments in my life that basically only happen to me.

Setting: I'm at Panera; its a late lunch (about 2 PM). Around the same time that I arrive there an elderly gentlemen (Mister) comes in as well. I'm polite, I tell him he can go before me. He tells me he's a retired teacher so I can go first because I look like I have go back to work. I accept his offer. Later, him and I are both waiting to get our food, and we chit chat some more. He asks me where my ancestry is from I let him know it's India.

Mister: You know I never quite understood how "those" people have 'arranged' marriages. Do they still have those?
Me: Yes, they still exist and I can understand arranged marriages. I cannot, however, understand divorces or children out of wedlock or disease or famine or poverty. Arranged marriages not so harsh or hard. I like men. My parents introducing me to men..that has to be a bonus. Granted not all are hot, but some are cute. Honestly, men don't look good unless they are in a relationship and their 'significant other' dresses them better. So in conclusion, there are a lot worst things than arranged marriages.

1 comment:

icaremoney said...

way to go!!! btw what was that MISTER's reaction?!?!